Virtual Front Porch Pages

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Basic Details

We're only days away from 5e! Click here to see some more details about Basic D&D.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Here's the Wizard!

Click here to see the pre-generated 5e wizard from the Starter Set. I think Timothy will be pleased to see that his favorite class has turned out rather well!

Monday, June 23, 2014

I Want It Now!

Starter Set unboxing it!

Dwarf Cleric Preview

Click here to see the character sheet for the pre-generated dwarf cleric from the 5e Starter Set.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ransack...I Mean, "Ranzak"!

We were in Sacramento this weekend, and when I'm there I never miss an opportunity to visit A-1 Comics, my favorite West Coast gaming and comics store. As part of today's Free RPG Day festivities, I picked up the new playable character -- Ranzak, the goblin pirate -- for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. Click here for a look at my new favorite card-based hero!

Get Thee to a Game Store!

It's Free RPG Day! Keeping my fingers crossed for the Pathfinder module...and the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game booster pack!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

5e Fighter Unveiled!

Click here to see the full character sheet for one of the pre-generated characters from the Starter Set. This one document provides a wealth of information about the new edition (or, at least, the Basic game). I'm a bit bummed, however, about the benefit for the "Noble" background. In the playtest, nobles received three non-combatant retainers, but now the benefit is more about the person's reputation. I liked the earlier one better because I'm keen on game features that provide henchmen of any sort.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Free RPG Day 2014

It's almost here! Free RPG Day is this Saturday, June 21. Click here for details!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Map Time!

Another Starter Set preview has been posted (here). This time it's the area map for the introductory adventure. The style reminds me a lot of the old maps from Basic D&D, and brings back great memories of early campaigns with Kevin and his brother Brian, our unforgiving DM. Hard to believe it was almost thirty years ago that these fine lads introduced me to D&D!

Friday, June 13, 2014

500, Yo!

This is the 500th post for the Front Porch blog. Thanks to everyone for reading and sharing your thoughts and ideas. With 5e D&D coming out in the next few weeks, I'm sure we'll be off and running toward 1000!

Another Writer Commentary

The second issue of the new Pathfinder comic book series is out, and writer Jim Zub has done another commentary. Click here for the play-by-play.

To my fellow Colgate alums...

Happy Colgate Day!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Quintessence 3D!

Here's another tidbit about next year's multiverse-spanning Quintessence War event: I'm pulling out all the stops and using my vast array of 3D terrain and miniatures to bring this story to life. Of course, due to the vast distances between myself and the rest of you guys, I'm going to photograph all the setups and send frequent updates so that everyone can see the action as it unfolds.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Metro Entertainment

I'm visiting family in the Los Angeles area this week (I know, I know -- it's the worst place in the world to be right now for a New York Rangers fan). Yesterday we spent a pleasant afternoon in Santa Barbara, and Amy spotted a super-cool store just off of State Street. Metro Entertainment (website link is here) is one of the better comic book and gaming stores I've visited lately. I even managed to pick up the latest installment of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Here's Another One!

Click here for a pic of the first page of the warlock class description from the upcoming 5e PHB.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What a Tease...


Combat Math

I love studying the underlying math of the various D&D editions. Check out this article (here) on 5e and backward compatibility with earlier editions.