Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, February 29, 2016

ThingMaker on EN World

I'm not the only one who thinks that the upcoming ThingMaker 3D printer is going to be a boon for gamers everywhere. Click here!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Our Five Minutes in Nerdvana

Well, Nerdvana didn't quite live up to its name. The selection was mediocre, with a lot used books and games that looked like they had been sitting in someone's garage since the 1980s. Plus, the location -- right next to a sex toy store -- made it kind of difficult to keep two little boys from seeing stuff that would raise a whole lot of questions...


Sorry, Gale Force Nine. As much as I would like to buy the Tarokka Deck for the upcoming Ravenloft D&D adventure module, there's no way I'm paying nine bucks in shipping for a pack of 54 playing cards. What the funk, yo? Are they importing those cards directly from Barovia?

Friday, February 26, 2016


So I learned from my friendly local comic book store guys that there's a gaming store in Carson City. Who knew? Nerdvana is kind of a hike from where I live, but I think the boys and I will need to check it out this weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Movie Update

Click here for a minor (but interesting) update on the upcoming D&D movie!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Roadhouse Reached

We got back to our family Tyranny of Dragons campaign today for the first time in several months. At last the heroes have reached Carnath Roadhouse ("Roadhouse!"), and now they're hot on the trail of the lizardmen who will lead them to the headquarters of the Cult of the Dragon. It's awesome to get back into this campaign, and I hope after this one we can give the new Ravenloft module (Curse of Strahd) a try.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Ravenloft Preview Adventure

Free D&D! Click here to download the official Ravenloft preview adventure.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cycle Time

Last spring, we put the Druid Cycle campaign on hold while I converted that massive world to Fifth Edition. In the meantime, the Druid Cycle guys have been playing in a mini-campaign in the revamped Shattered Realm setting. Today that mini-campaign came to an end, so very soon we'll return to Druid Cycle action. This ten-month hiatus between Druid Cycle adventures represents the longest gap in play since that world debuted way back in 1993.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Okay...okay, dude...take it easy...

I'm having a hard time not freaking out about the upcoming ThingMaker 3D printer from Mattel. Wow...I foresee creating a lot of minis for D&D, board games, etc.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Zombie Fever

We've been sick all week, and no one more so than poor little Nathaniel. When he woke up this morning, still feverish and coughing, all he wanted was to play Zombicide. I was disappointed to have to make him wait -- Zombicide isn't exactly a "before work" type of activity -- but as soon as I got home, we grabbed Matthew and played through a scenario. He's not fully recovered yet, but board gaming is definitely a step in the right direction!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

DCCSC Fencing

Hooray for Peyton! Anway...our fencing club now has a Facebook page! Douglas County Community & Senior Center (yikes, that's a mouthful!) Fencing, or DCCSC Fencing, can be found here.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Back on the Strip!

We had fencing last night for the first time in over three months because the leader of the program had been recovering from an injury. During that hiatus, I submitted the necessary paperwork to become an instructor at the local community center that hosts our fencing group. I think (I hope!) that process is nearing completion, so now our fledgling club will have two instructors for classical foil fencing, and I'll be able to step in whenever the leader of the program is unable to teach. I haven't taught fencing classes since Colgate, so I'm looking forward to it!