Well, I've come to the end of a long vacation, and tomorrow I'll be heading back to work to face whatever horrors have been festering in my absence. What better way to prepare for my return to the office than to jump into a massive
Zombicide scenario?
The boys and I have chosen an adventure in which the survivors need to recover supplies from various buildings across the city. The supplies are represented on the map by red "X" tokens. We've claimed two of them thus far, and, as you can see from the map below, we have three more to go.
Thanks to some lucky draws on equipment cards, we're armed to the teeth. Wanda the waitress (Nathaniel) is packing a submachine gun, survivalist Ned (Matthew) has assembled a sniper rifle to go along with his katana, and high-strung desk jockey Doug (yours truly...and does that character choice say anything about me?) is wielding a pair of machetes
and a pair of sawed-off shotguns. The other three characters have pretty solid gear as well. The gang is currently holed up in an abandoned diner, as you can see below.
Our biggest challenge is that the three remaining objectives are spread out all over the map, and there is a large horde of zombies -- including the nigh-unkillable Abomination -- milling around an intersection between us and the furthest of the objectives.
The horde will move as we start to make noise, but we're going to be in big trouble if these guys corner us somewhere. In any case, it's shaping up to be a really fun adventure!