Virtual Front Porch Pages

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

From Gray to Black...

After several years of hemming and hawing, I've finally made the commitment to attempt painting Warhammer 40k miniatures. Over the weekend, I sat down and applied a coat of black primer to all the Ultramarines and Orks from the Battle for Vedros starter set. For good measure, I also primed (primered?) four pieces of Citadel scenery that I've had lying around for the past fifteen years or so. Next up, I'll paint the Ultramarines blue and the Orks green. Then, at the very least, they'll be more visually distinct on the table. I will try for additional detailing (e.g., gray or silver for the guns and swords), but my artistic skills leave a lot to be desired!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Lego D&D?

Remember those D&D-themed Kre-O guys that I was nuts about a few years ago? The mini-figs were pretty awesome, but the bricks didn't hold together very well, making it difficult for the boys and I to stage epic battles without entire towers crumbling at the single jab of an orc's spear. Well, it seems that we may be a step closer to a true D&D-themed Lego experience. Click here for details!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

Vedros Action

I've conducted a few small-scale skirmishes to learn the 40k rules, so now I've put all the Battle for Vedros miniatures out there for a larger encounter. Here we are after four turns...

The Orks have lost their mighty Deffkopta (helicopter) and only one unit has managed to close distance with the sharpshooting Ultramarines. The humans' leader, Captain Trajean, now finds himself in a furious melee with a horde of Ork Boyz. Check out the image below -- you can see the captain's flag sticking up from the frenzied press of warriors!