Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, December 25, 2017

A Warhammer Christmas!

Santa brought Nathaniel some reinforcements for his Ultramarines army...

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Bloaty Fun

I'm making slow but steady progress on painting the Primaris Space Marines and Death Guard units from the Know No Fear 40k boxed set. I'm especially fond of the Foetid Bloat Drone...

I've decided that his name will be Bloaty McBloatface. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Mark Your Calendars!

The release date for the official Dungeons & Dragons movie is July 23, 2021. Damn, that's a long wait!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Oh no...

Beamdog, you f#<&!^* bastards! There goes all my free time. Get ready for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Holiday Hellblasters

Nathaniel is the board game guru of the family, and he delights in games of all types. This year, Santa is bringing him a variety of gaming treats (including Pandemic, which, somehow, we don't already own yet), but he's mainly excited about a couple of vehicles to add to his Ultramarines army. I can't imagine there are too many seven-year-olds who put Warhammer 40k models at the top of their Christmas lists!

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Pox on My Poxwalkers

Nathaniel and I are playing quick 40k games every couple of days. He's laid claim to the Primaris Space Marines, while I'm stuck for all eternity with the Death Guard and their atrocious Poxwalkers. Of the four units included in the First Strike starter set, the Poxwalkers are unequivocally the worst. They're slow, they can't hit the broad side of a Sanctum Imperialis, and they lack ranged weapons -- so, in every battle, the Space Marines easily mow them down with bolt rifles before my wanna-be zombies can get close enough to attack. I think it's time to open up the second starter set, Know No Fear, and see if the Death Guard has any better units in that box. I'm especially intrigued by something called the "Foetid Bloat Drone" -- that sounds promising!