Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, April 16, 2018

New Campaign!

Matt's new Gamma World-inspired campaign started up over the weekend and we faced off against cuddly, spear-wielding little bears and a skyscraper-sized chicken. Can't wait to see what Matt cooks up next!

Oh, and my character is a surly badger...

Thursday, April 12, 2018


I'd better finish painting Nathaniel's Space Marines drop pod soon, because my very own army of Drukhari is on its way! Up to this point I've been playing as the Death Guard because they came with the 8th Edition starter sets and Nathaniel quickly staked his claim to the Ultramarines, but now at last I'll have the army of my choosing! Can't wait to unleash these fiendish psychos on Nathaniel's unsuspecting Smurfs...

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Matt has been cooking up a Gamma World-style Fifth Edition variant and it looks amazing! We're now going to put our transcontinental Shattered Realm campaign on hold while we test out his rules and campaign setting.

This campaign isn't Gamma World, but whenever I think of that radiation-infused post-apocalyptic setting, I'm reminded of a classic '90s tune from one of my favorite bands, Fountains of Wayne. Here they are with "Radiation Vibe"...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Horsing Around

It's been ages since I last played Neverwinter Nights, but I really don't recall paladins being able to summon a warhorse. Perhaps it's a feature that was added for the new Enhanced Edition? Anyway, I discovered this delightful fact the other day, and now this trusty creature is an integral member of my party. There's something very satisfying about summoning the horse inside of a small room packed with zombies and watching the horse destroy every last one of them with its hooves.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Goodies

The Easter Bunny brought some gaming goodies for the boys this morning. Nathaniel got a couple of booster packs for our seldom-played Star Wars: Destiny card game and a drop pod for his Ultramarines army, but it was the new board game that Matthew got that really blew us away. It's called Downforce, a re-re-release of a race car game that's been around for ages. All four of us loved it -- it's a masterpiece of game design. Highly recommended!