Of the "Forbidden" series of cooperative tile-based board games -- including the original, Forbidden Island, and its sequel, Forbidden Desert -- we find Forbidden Sky to be the most challenging. There are a lot of ways to lose, and the game feels more luck-driven than its two predecessors. In our house, only Nathaniel, playing solo, had ever beaten it -- and that was just once.
Today, with Matthew in San Francisco at a Pacific Swim all-star meet, Nathaniel and I sat down for a session of Sky, with he as the medic and I as the surveyor. Despite near-constant lightning strikes, we managed to get the components on the board quickly and into as tight a configuration as possible. We both made it to the landing pad with one tick left on the storm tracker. Laying the last piece of wire to complete the circuit and thereby trigger the lights and sounds of the rocket was, honestly, a lot more satisfying than I expected it to be!
Today, with Matthew in San Francisco at a Pacific Swim all-star meet, Nathaniel and I sat down for a session of Sky, with he as the medic and I as the surveyor. Despite near-constant lightning strikes, we managed to get the components on the board quickly and into as tight a configuration as possible. We both made it to the landing pad with one tick left on the storm tracker. Laying the last piece of wire to complete the circuit and thereby trigger the lights and sounds of the rocket was, honestly, a lot more satisfying than I expected it to be!