Virtual Front Porch Pages

Friday, October 25, 2024

Legacy of Kain

At long last, my Legacy of Kain Collection for Evercade is on its way. I've never played any games from this acclaimed vampire series, so I can't wait to sink my teeth into them!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Waiting Game

I've been waiting patiently (well, not really) for my latest Evercade fix: Tomb Raider Collection 1 and the Legacy of Kain Collection. In the meantime, I've been catching up on some Warhammer painting projects and planning lots of encounters and subplots for the current Druid Cycle storyline. After years (decades) of campaigns focused on supervillain-type foes, it feels fresh and exciting to be building toward a very different kind of crisis: World War Druid Cycle!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Empire of the Ghouls

As a kind of farewell to "classic" Fifth Edition, I've been playing through Empire of the Ghouls (from Kobold Press) over the past few months and just finished it up last weekend. I used a solo character (beastmaster ranger) and a sidekick (prodigy spellcaster) who were slightly over-level to make up for the fact that there were only two characters (and a faithful animal companion!) in the party. I really had a blast! Empire is a full-fledged campaign, and a first-rate one at that. Highly recommended!