Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Paladin Awesomeness

To be honest, I think all the classes in D&D Next seem a little bland, and the paladin is no exception. Still, it's my favorite class so far. As a front-line warrior with good attacks, good defenses, and great saving throws (the ability to make a Charisma save in place of any other save is a huge advantage), this character class really feels like an iconic D&D paladin. The 4th Edition paladin suffered from having to spread ability score points across at least three abilities (aside from those odd but effective builds in which players dumped Strength and focused on Charisma and Wisdom). The D&D Next paladin can focus safely on Strength and Charisma.

I know some folks have grumbled about the reintroduction of alignment restrictions, but I think the various paladin builds (known as "oaths") allow for a lot of variety. The paladin's oath/alignment determines the character's cleric-like Channel Divinity features (including typical paladin powers like Turn Undead and Lay on Hands) and their mount. Yes, that's right, the D&D Next paladin gets a mount! (And a useful one, at that.) The D&D Next version of this class reminds me of those great 3rd Edition paladins that I used to play.

Gang, when somebody starts up a D&D Next campaign, I've got dibs on the paladin! And that blackguard build looks really, really good at higher levels...

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