Virtual Front Porch Pages

Friday, July 26, 2013


I love RPGs and I love David naturally I enjoyed reading this.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I finished up the iPad port of Knights of the Old Republic last night. What a fantastic game! I'd put it in my top ten favorite video games of all time.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kre-O First Look

Head over to EN World and scroll down on the main page until you find some photos of the upcoming D&D Kre-O mini-figs.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Awesomeness Is in the Cards

We're getting closer to the launch of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. Check out the latest here.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Met!

Usually when I think "The Met," I think of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Damn, I love that place! Today, however, "The Met" refers to my mother's 1954 Nash Metropolitan. That car -- along with my two little boys -- is featured today on Timothy's "other" blog, The People's Wheels. Check it out here.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

d20 Street Cred

I love the Pathfinder comic book, and I love that the writer adheres to the conventions of fantasy RPGs, but the most recent issue (#8) made it a bit too obvious that we're living in an RPG world. When the heroes run afoul of skeletons, the combat turns into some sort of "d20 System 101," in which the characters start suggesting tried-and-true tactics...

  • One hero urges the others not to allow the skeletons to flank them.
  • One hero reminds the others to use blunt, not bladed, weapons against the skeletons.
  • One hero indicates that their undead foes are immune to magical sleep. 

Then they all protect the cleric until she can use her Turn Undead ability to end the fight.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

D&D Kre-O

My world just got rocked.

You know I love D&D, and you probably also know that I love Lego and other building toys. A few months ago I posted about the great line of World of Warcraft Mega Bloks sets. Since then I've been building up quite the fantasy setting, with armies of orcs and elves, plenty of heroes, and a couple of bad-ass dragons. (Thank you, Target clearance aisle!) I've been very happy with the Mega Bloks WoW toys, especially with the Lego Castle series being so expensive and unimaginative these days.

Today, I learned that Hasbro is going to release official D&D building toys as part of their Kre-O line starting in January of 2014. I'm stunned.

More details as I get them...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fiddling With Feats

In today's Legends & Lore column, Mike Mearls discusses how his team has been tinkering with the role of feats in D&D Next. As you know, the new edition is supposed to have a modular rules system, and feats were proving troublesome to design as an optional component of the game. Their current thinking, as Mearls explains, is to give players periodic opportunities to choose either an ability score increase (+2 bonus to one ability or +1 to two different abilities) or a new special ability. You'd expect power gamers like me to always choose the ability score boost, but the two feats provided as examples are robust enough to merit serious consideration; they're far more powerful than feats in previous editions. I look forward to giving the new feats rules a spin in the next playtest packet...whenever that may arrive...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jolee and Kilowog Are the Same Guy

I'm enjoying my romp through the Star Wars cosmos in Knights of the Old Republic, and last night I met a cantankerous old Jedi named Jolee Bindo. When he started talking, all I could hear was Kilowog from Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Turns out they're both voiced by the same actor: Kevin Michael Richardson. Check out his Wikipedia page to see his extensive body of work as a voiceover actor. He was also the voice of Sarevok in my beloved Baldur's Gate!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The DM Demands Blood!

You've probably seen this video already, but in case you haven't...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mystara Livestream

Check out this livestream of four guys playing Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. Maybe by the time I finish Knights of the Old Republic, I'll have a computer that can run this game...

Friday, July 5, 2013

Warlord Games

I just discovered Warlord Games. They've got some cool historical miniatures and terrain. Now they're going to do the minis for a Judge Dredd miniatures game.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Free Santiago Adventure

Visit EN World to download a free Santiago (Pathfinder in space!) adventure.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dreaming About KotOR

If you've noticed a lack of blog posts over the past few days, it's because I've been spending much of my free time playing the iPad port of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I've been playing it so much, in fact, that I've actually started dreaming about it! Last night I dreamed that I was traipsing around the sewers of Taris with Mission Vao and Zaalbar. I woke up before we had to face the Rancor...

The game has also influenced my plans for the sci-fi component of the Front Porch mulitverse. As you may recall, there was no sci-fi setting in "When Last We Left Our Intrepid Heroes"; the only futuristic part of the narrative was the cyberpunk bit in the Prologue and Epilogue. Knights is helping me translate my ideas for Front Porch sci-fi stories into familiar d20 System mechanics. I'm off to a good start, but it's probably going to be many months before I have a viable sci-fi campaign setting.