Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

d20 Street Cred

I love the Pathfinder comic book, and I love that the writer adheres to the conventions of fantasy RPGs, but the most recent issue (#8) made it a bit too obvious that we're living in an RPG world. When the heroes run afoul of skeletons, the combat turns into some sort of "d20 System 101," in which the characters start suggesting tried-and-true tactics...

  • One hero urges the others not to allow the skeletons to flank them.
  • One hero reminds the others to use blunt, not bladed, weapons against the skeletons.
  • One hero indicates that their undead foes are immune to magical sleep. 

Then they all protect the cleric until she can use her Turn Undead ability to end the fight.

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