Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, August 19, 2013

Elysium No More!

Those of you who have played in recent Cyberwars/Ragnarok campaigns or have perused the multiverse-spawning story "When Last We Left Our Intrepid Heroes" may recall that Elysium is the name of mankind's secret refuge in the bleak, post-apocalyptic future. However, it's also the name of a space station in the new Neill Blomkamp film of the same name. Given the similarities between the two Elysiums (although it's interesting to note that Blomkamp and I are using the concept of Elysium in almost diametrically opposing ways), I've decided to change the name of our Elysium. I'm not going to go back and edit "When Last We Left" or make any abrupt changes to the campaign narratives, but you'll notice a shift away from that name in the coming months. Later this week, I'll discuss the new name for this fabled Front Porch realm.

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