Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Zoe and the Werewolves of Death

Over the weekend, I hustled to finish up the original Baldur's Gate (my third time in the last two years -- I think I'm done with this game for a while!) so that I could jump into the iPad port of Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Have I ever mentioned that BG2 is my all-time favorite video game? Needless to say, I was thrilled to revisit this sprawling, epic story. I got started with Zoe, my super-duper-awesome archer ranger.

Only a couple of hours into the game, however, I hit a nasty show-stopper of a bug. In the wacky circus in Athkatla, the werewolves -- who should be illusions, mind you -- now have the ability to kill any character with a single hit. Oy! It's frustrating: A werewolf runs up to one of my party members and that character dies instantly. Dispel Magic can destroy the werewolves, but my spellcasters can't get the spell off before the werewolves obliterate at least one or two party members.

I'm now thinking that Invisibility might be the key. If I have my mage dole out Invisibility spells to the whole party before we enter that room, we may be able to bypass this trouble spot. In any case, I hope they push out a patch soon...who knows what other bugs may be lurking?

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