Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Character Builds

I've been discussing Fifth Edition character builds with Matt over the last few days, and I have some preliminary favorites (subject to change, of course!). I'll list them below, in the following format: race (sub-race) / class (build) / background.

1. Elf (High Elf) / Fighter (Eldritch Knight) / Folk Hero
2. Half-Elf / Paladin (Oath of Devotion) / Outlander
3. Half-Elf / Warlock (Chain Pact) / Noble
4. Human / Fighter (Battle Master) / Soldier
5. Dwarf (Hill Dwarf) / Cleric (Tempest Domain) / Acolyte

I may well add an archer (ranger or rogue) to the list, and I probably need a gnome (I love the Tinker racial ability) and some sort of crazy hermit monk. In any case, I'm going to bring my PHB with me on my upcoming trip to Germany and I'll see if I can crank out a few character sheets along the way.

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