Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, May 9, 2016

Druid Cycle: Civil War

From both Marvel and DC, we've been treated to a couple of recent cinematic showdowns between heroes. As a fan, I rather enjoy these narratives because I think they carry a lot more dramatic weight than the usual superhero fare in which the obviously good heroes beat up on the obviously evil villains. (For the record, my favorite tale of internecine superhero strife is DC's Identity Crisis.)

We have a similar situation brewing in the Druid Cycle campaign world. In what has been the "B" plot in our 2016 adventures thus far -- but will almost certainly explode in the coming weeks -- we have two iconic heroes who have put forward very different and very incompatible philosophies about justice and morality. Cathbad wants a world in which the champions of the realm are held accountable to international laws, while Iskander opposes such restraints.

Which position do you agree with? Be sure to vote in the poll on the right-hand side of the page!

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