Virtual Front Porch Pages

Friday, September 15, 2017


No, the blog isn't going on hiatus again. I'm instead saying farewell to the house where our family has lived for, lo, these past nine years. It wasn't a great house -- it was barely an adequate house -- but it's really the only home my boys have ever known. (Yikes!)

As we prepare to spend the weekend moving into our bigger, better, brand-spankin'-new house, I'm reflecting on all the fun we had in the old place. In addition to the countless board games we played there, it was the house where I introduced my kids to D&D -- and I suppose that fact alone will always make it kind of special.

For the record, the last gaming action to be played in our weird little pink house was a Skype-based, transcontinental Shattered Realm episode with Matt and his daughter. I look forward to seeing what our first adventure in the new house will be!

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