Virtual Front Porch Pages

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Old-Old Timers

It's time to take our Strat-O-Matic play to the next level. I'm creating a Hall of Fame League and dividing up the players according to time period. I'll be controlling the players from the earliest days of baseball (those debuting between 1871 and 1890), Matthew will take the Dead Ball era guys (1891-1910), and Nathaniel will get the players of the Live Ball era (1911-1930). If we end up needing more teams, we still have all the players who started their careers after 1930.

The boys have yet to decide on their rosters (although Nathaniel has already stated that Ruth and Gehrig will be batting third and fourth in his lineup), but mine was easy enough. I had only 27 players from my time period, so it was a matter of cutting two of them to get to a 25-man roster. I have an abundance of first basemen and outfielders but a dearth of pitchers -- just 10, in fact. Here's hoping the Strat-O-Matic versions of Cy Young, Kid Nichols, and Tim Keefe can eat up innings as well as their namesakes!

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