Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, May 27, 2019

Detour to Catan

Our oft-delayed futuristic Shattered Realm campaign took a back seat this weekend to Matthew's swim meet. While his brother was swimming, Nathaniel perused the Starfinder Beginner Box. He created an android mechanic -- going straight to the online Starfinder SRD when the Beginner Box
character creation rules weren't comprehensive enough for him! -- and then proceeded to badger us incessantly about playing. Matthew drafted a (an?) ysoki soldier and, because I had the day off today, we had planned on running through the adventure that's included in the Beginner Box. I woke up with a splitting headache and upset stomach, however, which kept me in bed for most of the day. Amy came to the rescue by joining the boys for a rousing game of Settlers of Catan, which lasted for much of the afternoon while I rested. Still looking forward to giving Starfinder a whirl, once I finally succeed on that Fortitude save...

Saturday, May 25, 2019

So they finally got home after all...

...but they speak Portuguese now.

And Venger coming through the portal disguised as a mounted police officer? That was damn cool. We need to see more of this!

Friday, May 24, 2019

KOTOR the Movie!

I've become a bit disillusioned with Star Wars films in recent years. Although I loved the mad dash to get the Death Star plans to Leia -- with a no-holds-barred Vader in hot pursuit! -- at the end of Rogue One, that film and (especially) The Last Jedi left me cold. "Silly fanboy, you're stuck in the un-woke past! We're making grown-up Star Wars films now!" Got the message.

I was genuinely excited, though, to hear that the Knights of the Old Republic video game will be adapted as a movie. It's one of my top five favorite video game RPGs of all time, and likewise one of my favorite Star Wars narratives in any medium. I can't wait to see this story unfold on the big screen. And I may just have to play through the game one more time beforehand!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Essential Images

Click here for some images of the upcoming D&D Essentials Kit. It sure does look nice...

Monday, May 20, 2019

Character Building

I've had some fun building characters using the slimmed-down rules in the Starfinder Beginner Box. I'm sure the full game has a lot more options for feats and whatnot, but the intro set seems to give a pretty good overview of the core classes and how they play. Thus far, I've built a vesk (kind of like the lizardfolk in D&D) soldier (i.e., fighter) patterned after Solomon Kane, as well as a nefarious android technomancer (i.e., wizard). I'll play through the adventure included in the box to get a better feel for the rules and then I'll give the boys an opportunity to play as well. They're already poring over the long list of weapon stats!

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Click here for some info on upcoming D&D products. One of them is the D&D Essentials Kit. I have to admit, the name brings back some unpleasant memories of Fourth Edition. Late in the run of that ill-fated edition, the D&D design team released a series of books and game aids that constituted the "Essentials" product line. The centerpiece was a pair of digest-sized Player's Handbook-style rulebooks with new builds for core character classes. Fourth Edition had already become so broken that new characters built using only the PHB were woefully underpowered compared to characters built using all of the available materials -- conveniently collated within the D&D Insider app. The Essentials builds were jacked-up so that new or casual players could bring simple but powerful characters to the table. My memory of this line is, essentially (pun intended), the last gasp of a failed experiment. I sincerely hope the new D&D Essentials Kit is a great new introductory set (akin to Paizo's Pathfinder Beginner Box and the super-cool new Starfinder Beginner Box) and not an attempt to monkey around with the beautiful Fifth Edition ruleset.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Artificer Unearthed

A new iteration of the artificer class for Fifth Edition is available for playtesting. I really can't wait to see the final version appear in an official product!

Wonky Hockey

I watched some YouTube clips of Strat-O-Matic's hockey game to get a feel for the rules. Specifically, I was trying to ascertain if the game would function properly with the smaller-than-normal teams that would be necessitated by the limited number of pre-NHL guys in the Hall of Fame. It turns out that the team size is probably not an issue, but I was underwhelmed by the game mechanics. It would be awesome to see legends like Cyclone Taylor and Hobey Baker in action, but the game just doesn't seem as fun, streamlined, and intuitive as Strat-O-Matic's baseball products.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Fantasy Hockey?

Strat-O-Matic is having a sale on their hockey game. As you know, I'm a huge fan of the original (baseball) Strat-O-Matic, so I got to thinking about the prospect of creating an old timers' league using pre-NHL players -- along the lines of my nineteenth-century baseball league. The Strat-O-Matic Hockey All-Time Greats Game includes players I could draw from, but I was curious about whether the Hockey Hall of Fame has enough early players to put at least three full(ish) teams on the ice. I figured that goaltenders would be the limiting factor, but my initial assessment is that the game would include four pre-NHL goalies, as well as perhaps a couple more who spent the majority of their careers in the pre-NHL era. I counted thirty forwards but only nine defensemen. Again, I might get a few more if I elected to include some players who were not exclusively pre-NHL, but I'm not sure exactly how many players I would need for a full team. Today's NHL teams have eighteen skaters and two goaltenders, but teams in much earlier times would have had fewer players. Do the game mechanics, however, require a larger number of players to sequence the line changes and such? That, I don't know...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Starfinder Beginner Box

The Pathfinder Beginner Box is one of the best RPG products I've ever seen, and even though it failed to lure me away from D&D -- Fifth Edition put paid to that prospect -- I have very fond memories of poring over all the gorgeous components of that epic boxed set. Today the Starfinder Beginner Box is available for purchase and I've already placed my order. The boys will probably enjoy trying out a new game system and setting, and at the very least I'll end up with a Flip-Mat and other components that will fit nicely with our sci-fi Shattered Realm campaign.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Tablet Terminated

In May of 2017, the boys and I started up a new Shattered Realm campaign, the first chapter of which was titled "The Lay of the Lost Horn." After that relatively brief introduction to this campaign world, we shifted into the primary storyline, "The Lay of the Emerald Tablet." That narrative wrapped up in August of last year when the heroes managed to reassemble a fabled artifact known as the Emerald Tablet, only to learn that it was a terribe blight upon the world. Destroying the tablet turned out to be no easy task, and was the subject of our most recent storyline, "The Lay of the Five Penitents," which wrapped up this afternoon. It was a conclusion two years in the making! Now we'll shift back (forward?) to our sci-fi Shattered Realm heroes, who have been waiting patiently for the next chapter of their own tale to be told.

Red Stockings

One hundred and fifty years ago today -- on May 4, 1869 -- the Cincinatti Red Stockings played the first professional baseball game in which all the players on the team were paid. Not surprisingly, they wiped out a local semipro team by a score of 45-9. Organized baseball had been around for a quarter-century, but now a team had taken a step that would lead to the first major league in 1871. None of those Red Stockings players are included in my Strat-O-Matic league (brothers Harry and George Wright are Hall of Famers but the set doesn't include stat cards for them), but they're the trailblazers who led the way for Al Spalding, Deacon White, and the first wave of true major leaguers.

Calling All Comics Fans!

As a reminder, today is Free Comic Book Day!

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Dungeon

Well, they won't win any points for creative naming, but The Dungeon is a heckuva product that you can check out in its final week on Kickstarter. I'm a huge fan of Pathfinder and Starfinder Flip-Mats, and this set provides tons of encounter space for the price of just a couple of Flip-Mats. The design isn't as detailed as what you see with the Paizo products, of course, but the sheer variety of maps will be a major asset for our D&D-crazed household. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Free Comic Book Day 2019

Tell your friends! This Saturday, May 4, is Free Comic Book Day at your friendly local comic book store!