Virtual Front Porch Pages

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Tablet Terminated

In May of 2017, the boys and I started up a new Shattered Realm campaign, the first chapter of which was titled "The Lay of the Lost Horn." After that relatively brief introduction to this campaign world, we shifted into the primary storyline, "The Lay of the Emerald Tablet." That narrative wrapped up in August of last year when the heroes managed to reassemble a fabled artifact known as the Emerald Tablet, only to learn that it was a terribe blight upon the world. Destroying the tablet turned out to be no easy task, and was the subject of our most recent storyline, "The Lay of the Five Penitents," which wrapped up this afternoon. It was a conclusion two years in the making! Now we'll shift back (forward?) to our sci-fi Shattered Realm heroes, who have been waiting patiently for the next chapter of their own tale to be told.

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