Virtual Front Porch Pages

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Big Finish

The second phase of our transcontinental Shattered Realm campaign came to an epic yet zany conclusion today. I won't attempt to summarize the convoluted plot that got us to this point, but in today's session the heroes needed to jury-rig a mind-control device to fit a purple worm so that it could safely dig out a spaceship that's been trapped underground for eons -- all while being attacked by the angry ogres that worshiped and fed the purple worm. Thanks to great teamwork and some clever thinking by the PCs, the worm was distracted by rancidly delicious troglo-treats (patent pending!) long enough for the heroes to defeat the ogres, rework the mind-control device, and enact their plan to harness the worm's expert excavating prowess. Once the spaceship was free, most of the PCs and NPCs elected to remain on terra firma, while two gnomes (including Matt's PC), the last kobold in the underdark, a quasit disguised as a cat, and the aforementioned purple worm all piled into the ship for a journey into the vastness of space. I'm sure we'll see all these delightful characters again in the future, but next up we'll  have new characters ready to check out a sleepy little town in Greyhawk called Saltmarsh...

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