Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A New Chapter

The boys are at a crossroads with both of their Shattered Realm campaigns. Last spring, in the main storyline, they wrapped up the Emerald Tablet saga. Just this past weekend, in the futuristic version (where they're playing descendants of their original characters), they reached the end of a major chapter.

Next up, we'll return to their original characters. I've been trying to scope out a story arc that will be even more epic than the Emerald Tablet, but aside from some cool character development ideas for their heroes, I hadn't really made much progress. Inspiration struck when I returned to a work of literature that has always spurred my imagination: John Milton's Paradise Lost. The new foe who will drive the plot in the next Shattered Realm phase is based heavily on Milton's most dynamic and charismatic character, Satan.

I'm also hoping to use this storyline as a way to ease Matthew and Nathaniel into the vast Druid Cycle campaign world, with its hundreds of NPCs and over a quarter-century of past adventures. As such, I've selected a powerful but minor Druid Cycle character -- an angel -- who will rebel against his god and therefore be exiled across the multiverse to the Shattered Realm, where he'll cause all sorts of mayhem. No doubt I'll find a spot to work in one of Satan's most famous lines from Paradise Lost: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."

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