Virtual Front Porch Pages

Friday, March 13, 2020

Spring Training

What to do when there's a pandemic raging outside? Well, I guess we could play Pandemic, but that seems rather on the nose.

At the moment, I'm gearing up for the third season of my nineteenth-century Strat-O-Matic baseball league. And unlike modern baseball, these hardy, mustachioed lads aren't suspending their spring training because of a stupid virus. It takes more than that to bring down the likes of King Kelly! Wait, didn't he die of pneumonia at the age of 36?

I digress.

I have a couple of trades in mind, but first I decided to take a look at the pitching. I admit that I didn't do a very rigorous analysis of the game cards before my first season. Compared to the ginormous spreadsheet I put together to analyze every aspect of my hockey players' Strat stats, my approach to baseball was primitive indeed. Pitching was the biggest area of uncertainty. I have only 15 pitchers in this league (five per team), so I thought it wouldn't be too onerous a task to dig into the numbers and try to rank them with a bit more confidence.

It turns out that the Blue Legs have best collection of pitching talent -- not surprising, as they surrendered the fewest runs in the league last year. The Canaries have two elite hurlers (Tim Keefe and Al Spalding) and three lousy arms behind them, and they ended up allowing the most runs in the league. Cy Young's Haymakers, the defending champs, were smack-dab in the middle. I need to see if I can swing a couple of trades that will be mutually beneficial for each team, but also balance out the pitching staffs a bit. Time to get to work!

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