Virtual Front Porch Pages

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Alien Assault

Tonight, at last, I got around to building the map for the climactic final chapter of our first Alien RPG storyline. Using tiles from the super-awesome AVP miniatures game, I set up the floor plan for Sycorax -- a base deep in the heart of the jungle where scientists of the United Americas concocted the nefarious Project Caliban. I think the boys are really going to dig it!

Unfortunately, with the lighting in the ceiling of our game room, just about every photo I took had a terrible glare coming off of the tiles. I salvaged two pictures, but neither of them shows the map from a good angle...

I'll direct your attention to the green tile in the center of the map in the image below. I had an extra jungle tile that didn't seem to fit anywhere, so I decided to give Sycorax a botanical research lab inside the base!

Once we get the mission underway and we have minis populating the tiles, I'll get some close-up shots that, hopefully, will be glare-free. 

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