Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, October 12, 2020

Only in the Shattered Realm...

The Druid Cycle setting is a place for stately high-fantasy storytelling, with narratives drawn from classic myths and works of epic poetry. It's a stark contrast from the anything-goes genre mashup of my Shattered Realm campaigns. To wit, I'll share a couple of pics from this past weekend's climactic battle. First up, here's a purple worm (deployed by the heroes as a living weapon against their foes) munching on an android trooper. Before the end of the battle, the worm had devoured three such androids along with a smallish dragon.

In the next photo, we have a silver dragon harassing a tank, while Garm -- the elephant-sized lord of all dire wolves -- ambushes the dragon from the rear to save the human soldiers trapped inside the vehicle.

Although many human and monstrous lives were lost, the allied army defeated the invading force of robots and undead. As it turned out, however, the attack was a only a ruse, and the true threat is about to manifest...

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