Virtual Front Porch Pages

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lwcus '93

August 6, 1993. That's almost 19 years ago. It was the date Timothy pitched the idea for his Fate of the Grand Duchy character Lwcus, who would become the longest-running player character in Front Porch history. Check out Timothy's email below...

Astute readers will notice that the original version of Lwcus was a thief (this was during the era of 2e D&D). He became a rogue in 3e and has found a new role as a warlord in 4e. How will this timeless character manifest in 5e? Only time will tell.


  1. See this should be how character sheets should be:
    * No numbers
    * Flavor texts full of motivation & purpose
    * A basic profession & skillset
    * Basic equipment list. I noticed no magic weapons. This is where truely where what the character does shines over what junk they are carrying with them.

    I think modern systems seem to overcompensate by giving magic armor, weapons, or items. Billionaires are known for their profession (how they made their money aka "their story"), not how many fancy cars, mansions (aka 'stuff'), etc they own.

  2. Interesting comments. This was the rough outline that I presented to John (whoa, is that BBS speak at the page-break there?). I sense a post coming on this...
