As many of you know, I was born and raised in upstate New York and moved to Nevada a little over four years ago. A lot of my stuff, including a large collection of RPG materials and comic books, is still back in New York. During a recent visit, I took stock of what I have and considered what to do with it. Getting it all out to Nevada seems like a major hassle.
Moreover, I'm not entirely sure I still want this stuff -- even my comic book collection. Why the hell did I buy all those issues of Starman, anyway? I want to hang on to a few RPG items as keepsakes (such as the original D&D red box set), but do I really need Alternity or Ninja Hero?
I could probably bring the comics to the store (Heroes Your Mom Threw Out) in my hometown and try to sell them, or I could sell them on eBay or in garage sales. The latter two options would work for my RPG stuff, too. Or maybe I'll just donate them to a game store (or to Front Porch folks who lay claim to particular items!).
Any thoughts or suggestions on what to do?
I would suggest eBay, it can be something of a "reimbursement" for having purchased all those items, and depending on the material you might even make a profit. Either way, I assume having a bit more money would be good so that's what I'd recommend. However, if coordinating the posting/sales/shipping is too much of a hassle then just donating or selling them to game shops or whatever is a good fallback option.