Virtual Front Porch Pages

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dudes, I Called It First

I was reading the latest issue of DC's superlatively awesome Earth 2 last night, and one of the characters referred to the Big Three superheroes -- Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman -- as the Ternion. Dudes, I totally called it first. As you know, faithful blog readers, we have a new superhero campaign in the works called Tales of the Ternion -- although "my" Ternion is not a trio of superheroes. Current Druid Cycle players will also recognize the Ternion as the three mystical beings -- the Hierophant, the Cataphract, and the  Demiurge -- who discovered the secret of immortality. Yes, the Ternions from these two campaigns are related, but it will be a very long time before players discover how and why.

Anyway, DC Comics, please stop stealing my cool words!


  1. Hm, I always thought Superman+Batman+Wonder Woman was the "Trinity"; didn't they have a comic with that title recently?

  2. The were known as the "trinity" until the 2011 "New 52" reboot. Now the term "trinity" refers to a group of ancient baddies known as the Trinity of Sin: Pandora, the Phantom Stranger (whom we're led to believe is Judas Iscariot), and the Question (considerably altered from his pre-New 52 origins).
