Virtual Front Porch Pages

Friday, June 21, 2013

Odds & Ends

A few random thoughts on the "How to Play" document from the latest D&D Next playtest packet:
  • Critical hits have been nerfed big-time. Now, when you score a critical hit, you roll one additional damage die. So if you're wielding a weapon that inflicts 1D8 damage, you'd roll a second D8 for your crit roll. If your damage roll was a D8 as well as a D6, you could choose the larger damage die for the crit die.
  • Negative hit points have been removed from the game, and I heartily approve. Now the 4e concept of the death saving throw will serve as the mechanic for determining the fate of characters who are reduced to zero hit points.
  • They've once again changed the knowledge categories for "Recall Lore." Hobbyist lore? Seriously? The various knowledge skills have really been all over the map from packet to packet.

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