Virtual Front Porch Pages

Thursday, March 13, 2014

D&D Falls

Yikes...D&D has fallen all the way down to #4 on the RPG sales chart. Pathfinder is #1.

1 comment:

  1. Pathfinder is actually expanding into several game systems. First, they have a great DND 3.5e site that gives a lot of options not seen elsewhere. Further, the changes they do suggest are meaningful & enhance a character theme.

    Second, I've switched to FATE. Pathfinder has a new series & expansion on FATE. As you expect from Pathfinder, simple & can pull any game system into it with barely any conversion issues. Because they create systems that cast a wide net, it is no surprise their popularity is growing & sales follow it.

    Third, Pathfinder has way fewer books than Wizards of the Coast. To summarize rules & new options in a few books is not just economical, but practical. If we are going to turn 20+ books into a few reference sheets, why not cut to the chase from the beginning?
