Virtual Front Porch Pages

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Museum of Play

We spent today at the National Museum of Play (click here for their official website) in Rochester. The place is chock-full of fun stuff; in particular, the whole family got a kick out of all the classic arcade games. Here's a shot of us getting ready for a four-player game of Gauntlet.

The kids tended to shoot the food -- rookie mistake! -- so we didn't survive many levels.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see all the nods to D&D history. They had the first-ever D&D video game, which, as I understand it, was a pretty basic and generic dungeon-crawler -- but at the very least a spiritual ancestor of the many awesome D&D games that have followed in its wake.

Elsewhere, a display case included some notes about RPGs in general and the foundational role played by D&D itself. They had some of the earliest D&D products as well as a sampling of modules, dice, miniatures, and non-D&D RPGs. Here's one side of the display...

And here is the adjacent side...

I kind of feel like I could have pulled a better display of RPG history out of my ass...ets. My own assets, as it were. Even after discarding so many RPG products from yesteryear, I still have a lot of the most iconic items, such as the First Edition D&D PHB and the first Basic set. Still, it was great to see D&D featured in as amazing and wondrous a place as the Museum of Play.

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