Virtual Front Porch Pages

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Holiday Fun

I hope you're all having a great holiday season! Ours has been pretty quiet. Bad weather in the Sierra Nevada mountains whittled down our Los Angeles trip to a mere few days (including driving down there on Christmas Day), but Santa brought us a lot of fun new game stuff, including a Pershing and a Panther IV for our Tanks armies, the fantastic Forbidden Island (the predecessor to Forbidden Desert, a family favorite), and Poop: The Game (it's a real thing).

See you in 2017!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Made It to Willamette Valley!

For the first time ever, we've won a game of Oregon Trail. A measles-ridden Amy was our only survivor, but she made it all the way to Willamette Valley, Oregon. Once again, I died from dysentery -- which has been my fate in every single game we've played!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

D&D Is a Hall-of-Famer!

Dungeons & Dragons has been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in my beloved second home of Rochester, New York. Click here to read all about it!

Sunday, October 30, 2016


The boys and I have spent most of this dreary, rainy Sunday building models and playing Tanks battles. The U.S. Sherman tanks (Nathaniel and myself) have largely had the upper hand over their German Panther or Jagdpanther (Matthew) foe. Below is a photo of the final turn of our most recent battle. One of our Shermans was temporarily disabled -- although completely undamaged -- so Matthew drove his Jagdpanther right up and destroyed it at point-blank range with a single shot. Our other Sherman, hiding in the forest, then immediately blew up the German tank with a well-placed side shot. It's been a lot of fun, but we definitely need more tanks!

Friday, October 28, 2016


Tanks is a hot new World War II miniatures skirmish game from Gale Force Nine. People usually describe it as Star Wars: X-Wing but with tanks instead of spaceships. Indeed, the mechanics are similar enough that if you know how to play X-Wing, you basically know how to play Tanks.

Here's a look at all the goodies that come in the box...

As you can see, the models come unpainted and unassembled, which is great for artistically-inclined Warhammer 40k fans, but not so great for folks (like yours truly) who prefer their games to be playable right out of the box. In any case, a core set gives you enough bits to build two American tanks (Shermans) and one German tank (Panther). Other tanks (including those from the UK and the USSR) are available in reasonably-priced expansion sets.

And now a closer look at one of the two identical sprues containing the Sherman pieces...

Finally, here's an image of one of the sprues that contains the pieces you can use to build either a standard Panther or a Jagdpanther...

Amy and the boys come back tomorrow after a week-long trip to Los Angeles, and I can't wait to introduce them to well as Oregon Trail! How about that? Two games to help teach the boys about history!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Oregon Trail!

As a Gen-X kinda guy, I have fond memories of playing Oregon Trail on Apple II computers in elementary school. Now, as if in answer to a prayer I didn't know I'd made, there's an Oregon Trail card game!

As you can see, the design adheres to the old-timey graphics of the '80s computer game. I picked up a copy (it's a Target exclusive) on my lunch hour today, and I can't wait to play it with Amy and the boys. Amy, sadly, does not share my enthusiasm. She had never heard of this game. What the hell were they teaching in those snooty California private schools, anyway? Where else were kids going to learn about dying of dysentery?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Basket of Deplorables

Okay, I just had to come out of hibernation today to comment on the latest presidential election meme: basket of deplorables. Sorry, Hillary, but I'm totally going to use the Basket of Deplorables as a magic item in my D&D campaigns -- it will be the cursed version of a Bag of Holding. On a related note, Basket of Deplorables is also the name of my Cradle of Filth tribute band.

Monday, June 20, 2016


According to the almighty Blogger, we have over 870 published posts (hat tip to Chris B. and Tim W. for their contributions). I guess I don't have any point of reference for comparison, but it feels like that's a lot of posts. It's probably enough for now.

This blog has been a great forum for writing about various topics that have come up over the last couple of years -- the Fifth Edition D&D playtest, creating a campaign-spanning Front Porch multiverse, and my family's burgeoning interest in board games, to name a few. However, I think the time has come to put the ol' game blog into hibernation for a while. Perhaps I'll resurrect it again when there's a lot of cool gaming-related news to discuss (like the upcoming D&D feature film).

Thanks for reading, and keep those dice rolling!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Git Yer Game!

Head over to your local game story today for Free RPG Day. I think the event has kind of gone downhill in recent years, but I'll never pass up free RPG stuff!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Free RPG Day!

This year's Free RPG Day is this Saturday, June 18. Look, here comes yet another goblin-centric Pathfinder adventure...

Monday, June 13, 2016

Local History

Our Druid Cycle storylines these days tend to have a strong historical component -- connections to the actual adventures played out over the 23 years that this game world has existed, as well as connections to the world's fictional history that stretches back for centuries more. In fact, when I design new D&D adventures, I'm always looking for ways to tie them into both "real" and "fictional" campaign history. (The same goes for other Front Porch multiverse campaign settings, such as Torchlight and Shattered Realm.)

There's already a lot of material from which to draw, but that hasn't stopped me from trying to generate even more. My new policy for world-building is that each community on the map needs to have at least one historical figure (in the form of a named NPC) associated with it -- the founder of the town, a legendary hero or villain from the past, or whatever. I'm not quite there yet with a historical connection for every community in every campaign setting, but I'm well on my way, and I'm seeing a lot of cool opportunities for future adventures. So the next time your characters are passing through Such-and-Such town, be sure to stop and study that crumbling old statue of Sir So-and-So!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Slippery Victory

Zombicide ended with a rather anticlimactic victory last night. Matthew's characters were up first, and he has one hero (Josh, the young street punk -- see the bright orange miniature in the photo from my last post) who has an ability called Slippery. This ability allows the character to move out of spaces that contain zombies (normally, it's very difficult for a hero to leave a zombie's space on the game board). So, Josh simply waltzed into the building and picked up the final objective token. Game over!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Undead Showdown

Every night this week, the boys and I have been plugging away on our big Zombicide scenario. Miraculously (or perhaps due to the ridiculous amount of firepower that we're toting), all six characters are still alive. Tonight we recovered the fourth supply depot and then hustled up the main north-south street toward the building that contains our fifth and final objective. Unfortunately, there's a horde massing around us...

Three characters are in the thick of it, with another (Wanda, who has found a chainsaw to go along with her submachine gun!) right behind them. Not pictured are two other heroes who are guarding the rear and picking off zombies that are coming up behind us. If we can carve our way through this group during our next turn, we stand a pretty good chance of getting that last objective token and winning the scenario.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Zombie Stomp

Well, I've come to the end of a long vacation, and tomorrow I'll be heading back to work to face whatever horrors have been festering in my absence. What better way to prepare for my return to the office than to jump into a massive Zombicide scenario?

The boys and I have chosen an adventure in which the survivors need to recover supplies from various buildings across the city. The supplies are represented on the map by red "X" tokens. We've claimed two of them thus far, and, as you can see from the map below, we have three more to go.

Thanks to some lucky draws on equipment cards, we're armed to the teeth. Wanda the waitress (Nathaniel) is packing a submachine gun, survivalist Ned (Matthew) has assembled a sniper rifle to go along with his katana, and high-strung desk jockey Doug (yours truly...and does that character choice say anything about me?) is wielding a pair of machetes and a pair of sawed-off shotguns. The other three characters have pretty solid gear as well. The gang is currently holed up in an abandoned diner, as you can see below.

Our biggest challenge is that the three remaining objectives are spread out all over the map, and there is a large horde of zombies -- including the nigh-unkillable Abomination -- milling around an intersection between us and the furthest of the objectives.

The horde will move as we start to make noise, but we're going to be in big trouble if these guys corner us somewhere. In any case, it's shaping up to be a really fun adventure!

Princesses for the Emperor

Totally awesome. But no Elsa?!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

X's and O's

After finishing up our hockey action on Monday, we've spent the rest of the week with my in-laws in the Los Angeles area. My nephew Daniel is also here with us, so that makes four guys -- just enough for some two-hand-touch football! Each night after dinner we've tossed the ball around, with Matthew and Daniel taking on Nathaniel and myself. And, because my boys are gamers, they also spend a lot of time coming up with exotic new plays to run in the next game. Check out Nathaniel's latest effort below.

I'm not really sure what's going on here, but I suspect the taller guy is me and the shorter guy is Nathaniel. Aside from that...well...I guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow night's game!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Storm King's Thunder

Breaking news! The next Fifth Edition campaign is Storm King's Thunder. I'll post again when I see more details.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Poll Closed!

The Druid Cycle poll has closed...and look who emerged victorious! It's Team Iskander by a landslide!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

It Might Be Giants

The next Fifth Edition campaign is going to be announced in a couple of days, and it sounds like the theme might be giants. I'd love to see Against the Giants revamped for the current rules, but whatever they do, they'll have a hard time topping Curse of Strahd, the new incarnation of Ravenloft.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Behold...the Inland Empire!

To this native New Yorker, the term "Inland Empire" conjures up images of a distant, fabled land -- like something out of the Forgotten Realms or another D&D campaign setting. As it turns out, the real-life Inland Empire is a smog-choked urban sprawl to the east of Lost Angeles. We've come down for Matthew's ice hockey tournament -- let's go, Grizzlies! -- but the prospect of spending four days here got me thinking about writing a new D&D adventure: Escape from the Inland Empire.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Today, DC comics reboots its line with an event called Rebirth. Here's hoping that this latest continuity revamp fixes all (heck, I'd settle for some) of the problems introduced in the "New 52" reboot that debuted in 2011. Kind of like how Fifth Edition D&D has restored our faith in the brand after the brief but troublesome Fourth Edition era.

I can dream, right?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Check out this brief CNN video about the creator of Settlers of Catan.

Poll Closing

Just about a week to go in our Druid Cycle poll. Be sure to vote before it's too late!

Friday, May 20, 2016


I had heard that Sword Coast Legends was dead -- or, at least, the studio that created it -- but apparently there's at least one last hurrah. A new module of downloadable content is available; click here for more details.

Monday, May 16, 2016


This post is kind of off-topic, but damn it -- I'm going to share it anyway!

The local fencing group that I'm part of, DCCSC Fencing, held its first-ever tournament on Saturday. Our students are teenagers who are relatively new to the sport (some have been fencing for as little as two months, with no one having more than about a year's worth of experience), but they did very well against fencers from other clubs who were often older and almost invariably had more experience. I'm really proud of these kids!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Druid Cycle Poll

Only three votes so far in the Druid Cycle poll. No love yet for Team Cathbad?

Monday, May 9, 2016

Druid Cycle: Civil War

From both Marvel and DC, we've been treated to a couple of recent cinematic showdowns between heroes. As a fan, I rather enjoy these narratives because I think they carry a lot more dramatic weight than the usual superhero fare in which the obviously good heroes beat up on the obviously evil villains. (For the record, my favorite tale of internecine superhero strife is DC's Identity Crisis.)

We have a similar situation brewing in the Druid Cycle campaign world. In what has been the "B" plot in our 2016 adventures thus far -- but will almost certainly explode in the coming weeks -- we have two iconic heroes who have put forward very different and very incompatible philosophies about justice and morality. Cathbad wants a world in which the champions of the realm are held accountable to international laws, while Iskander opposes such restraints.

Which position do you agree with? Be sure to vote in the poll on the right-hand side of the page!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Comics Haul

Thanks to some creative scheduling, I was able to make it to Free Comic Book Day after all. It was a pretty good haul this year, so I'll have plenty of reading material for Matthew's next ice hockey road trip!

Free Comic Book Day!

Today is Free Comic Book Day! Go get yourself some free comics, yo!

Friday, May 6, 2016

5e Adventure Poll

Got a favorite Fifth Edition adventure thus far? Vote here in the EN World poll! I think my favorite is Curse of Strahd (the new version of Ravenloft), and as of this writing it has a big lead on the other storylines.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

FCBD 2016

Here's your annual PSA: Free Comic Book Day is this Saturday, May 7!

A double dose of kid sporting events (hockey for Matthew and baseball for Nathaniel) will prevent me to partaking in this year's festivities, but perhaps I'll be able to catch some of the offerings in digital form.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New D&D Comic

There's a new D&D comic book from IDW. Minsc of Baldur's Gate meets Strahd von Zarovich of Ravenloft! Horrific hilarity ensues!


I bought the first issue, but I'm not especially hopeful it will improve upon the last several iterations of D&D comics. Bring back Fell's Five, I say!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Wow, fantasy worlds are colliding! I never thought I'd see the day, but D&D and Magic: The Gathering are (sort of) crossing over. The world of Zendikar from Magic is now a playable Fifth Edition D&D setting -- and best of all, it's free! Click here for the scoop.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Games on the Go

Matthew is now on a traveling ice hockey team (the Tahoe Grizzlies) so we'll be hitting the road periodically for away games in exotic locations. (Hey, now I know where Vacaville is!) We also have a few trips planned for the summer, including my sister's wedding back in New York. With all our travel coming up, it's great that we have card games like Magic and Exploding Kittens to while away our down time in hotels and such. Huzzah for portable games!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tyrants of the Underdark

There's a new D&D board game on the way: Tyrants of the Underdark, from Gale Force Nine. If you like drow, you'll like this game...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Shadows Over Innistrad

I picked up a couple of Intro Packs for the new Magic series, Shadows Over Innistrad, during my lunch hour today. Looks like cool stuff, and I think we'll finally have enough cards for a blue deck!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Magic Morning

While Mom and Dad paid the bills and fertilized the lawn, respectively, the boys got involved in a pretty epic Magic duel. I have no idea to what extent they were following the rules, but it sure looks impressive. As I write this, they're still locked in battle...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Magic Showdown

Still raining cats and we dragged Amy into a couple of Magic duels. She used my best deck (white/black) and defeated a wretchedly unlucky Matthew and his top deck (black/red) in the first duel, but then got annihilated in the rematch when Matthew was able to demonstrate the full power of his deck. The new Magic series, Shadows Over Innistrad, comes out this week, so I shudder to think what new horrors Matthew will be able to add to his deck!

The Thin Line

There's a thin line between sanity and madness -- in Mansions of Madness, at least. On this rainy Saturday afternoon, we finished up the adventure that we started last weekend. Over the course of the scenario, I had been whittling down Michael McGlen's sanity points until he had only one left. At zero, I could have played a card that would have turned the gangster against his companions. Alas, the heroes won the game before I could find a way to turn him insane, but it certainly would have made for a memorable ending if McGlen had machine-gunned his friends right when they were about to achieve their goal...

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Fiery Doom!

The madness continued tonight with the second part of our current adventure. As fire spread across the grounds of the estate, hard-boiled thug Michael McGlen (Matthew) cut down a couple of monsters with his trusty tommy gun, clearing the way for our heroes to search for clues. A box buried in the garden pointed toward a clue in the most distant corner of the estate (the small room in the upper-right corner of the photo below).

With every outdoor map tile already ablaze, the players knew that someone would have to make a mad dash through the flames to the distant building. While cursed heiress Gloria (Amy) and plucky glamour girl Jenny (Nathaniel) hid from the flames in the caves beneath the estate, Michael McGlen raced across the lawn. Unfortunately, fire causes a hero to lose sanity as well as life, and poor Michael has little sanity to spare. He reached the building, obtained the clue, and then sprinted back to his companions -- but arrived dangerously low on sanity! Gloria has some magic that can restore lost sanity points, but the clock is ticking, the estate is burning, and the final clue remains to be uncovered!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Madness Returns!

It's been quite a few months since our last foray into Mansions of Madness, but Nathaniel has been begging for more Lovecraftian horror -- as five-year-olds are wont to do, I suppose -- so I spent a good hour setting up the board and cards (user-friendly this game is not) and we jumped into a new scenario after dinner.

We're still in the early stages of the adventure, but it's been quite eventful thus far. While investigating the gloomy, run-down estate inherited by the occult writer Gloria (played by Amy), we've learned that the family long ago made a blood pact with eldritch forces, and now Gloria is expected to renew the bargain. Oh, and the grounds of the estate are on fire...


There's a cool Kickstarter board game in the works called Santorini (click here for the page). The project has already funded (and then some!), so they're now going for various stretch goals. It's a Euro-style game (with a Greek mythology theme) in which players build buildings and try to reach the highest level first. It seems like a great game for families, and the various deity and hero cards add a lot of variety to the gameplay. I think we'll back this one!

Friday, April 1, 2016

D&D Movie Director

A bit of news about the upcoming D&D movie can be found here.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Siege of Dragonspear

If you're looking for more action in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, you can now purchase the new expansion, Siege of Dragonspear. Click here for more details.

Monday, March 28, 2016

D&D Pre-History

Click here for an interesting summary of the DNA of D&D.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

"I Thought You Were a Warrior!"

In Injustice, that's what Wonder Woman sometimes says -- in a tone that sounds like a disappointed schoolmistress --when she lays a savage beatdown on someone. I just finished up the Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman challenge, so I've added this character to my roster. She doesn't look like Gal Gadot to me (my Batman Returns Catwoman, in contrast, is very clearly Michelle Pfeiffer), but she has a lot of cool powers. Her best attack is one that summons a couple of other Amazons to gang up on your foe and pound him into submission. Now that I've completed this one last challenge, perhaps I'll be finished with this game...

Friday, March 25, 2016

Holy Mother Box, Batman!

Batman v Superman kind of kicked me in the nads, and I mean that in the best way possible. This was not a great movie, and by all rights I should feel disappointed, but it was full of amazing ideas and seeds for future storytelling. I mean, the movie had a freakin' mother box, for Granny Goodness' sake!

The movie also reminded me a lot of Injustice (which I'm still playing...oy!). At one point, Superman hurls Doomsday all the way up into space -- I've done that in the game many times!


I'm taking the day off today to (among other things) see the new Batman v Superman flick. The "serious" critics apparently don't like this movie, but, frankly, it wasn't made for them. It was made for people like me. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Batman Bested!

I had been one battle away from winning the iPad version of Injustice: Gods Among Us when the app started crashing every time I tried to open it. Fast-forward a couple of months and I finally figured out how to fix the game without losing my data. Today, at long last, I beat the uber-super-duper Batman at the end of the game. Although Hawkgirl took one for the team, Lex Luthor and Catwoman survived to taste the sweetness of victory. Now I never have to play this stupid game ever again! Eh, who am I kidding? I'll probably load it up again next week to start working on getting the Dawn of Justice challenge characters...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Lazy Sunday

Well, we didn't wake up in the late afternoon (Google it if you're not getting the reference), but with the time change, it certainly felt like it. We've just been having a lazy Sunday of Magic duels (including Amy!) and deck-building, which is arguably more fun than actually playing the game. Matthew is working on a black and red deck, Nathaniel has green and white, and I'm sharing a white and black one with Amy.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Epic Comeback!

In Magic, Matthew plays a black deck, and his strategy is to amass enough mana to bring in his powerful monstrosities late in the game. My white deck, meanwhile, is built around lots and lots of low-cost creatures, which I use to nickel-and-dime Matthew in the early turns. In our most recent game, I got Matthew down to just 1 point of health, while I still had the full 20. And then...I stopped drawing mana cards. Without the mana to continue putting creatures in the field, I just had to wait and watch while Matthew started deploying his big guns. It wasn't long before we were both down to 1 health point, and then he wiped me out with his flying demons. Can you believe it? Just a single point away from victory, and yet he managed one of the most epic comebacks I've ever seen in my gaming career!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Comic Book = Booster Pack

I'm usually not one to complain, Grandpa Simpson-like, about how things have gotten more expensive over the years, but damn, comic books really have gone up in price! When I was a kid, we'd walk down the hill to J&L Dairy and pay 75 cents for the latest Batman or Spider-Man. Now your standard superhero fare is a whopping $3.99 -- and that's just for a regular 22- or 24-page issue! I had a bit of a revelation this morning when I stopped by my local comic book store and realized that a single issue from my pull list is costing me as much as the Magic booster packs that my store is now selling. Maybe I ought to pare down my pull list...

BG Expansion

Another Baldur's Gate expansion is on its way (click here for details), but I'm starting to think I've reached something of a Baldur's Gate saturation point over the last couple of years. I may need to let some time pass before I jump into this one.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

First Magic Throwdown

Matthew and I fumbled through a Magic duel this evening using single-color decks (white for me and black for him) cobbled together from the small assortment of cards that we own. I'm not sure we got it entirely right from a rules perspective, but we had fun and I think we'll give it another go very soon. We both suffered from a glut of land cards and not enough creatures, so I think we'll modify our decks accordingly. Matthew also pointed out, rightly, that the black deck I built for him had hardly any high-powered creatures, so we'll need to rectify that situation as well. Why do I get the feeling that my Wednesday trips to the comic book store are now going to involve picking up Magic boosters along with my pulls?

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Curse of Strahd

There's a storm coming in, but Nathaniel and I made it up to Reno to grab a copy of Curse of Strahd, the new Fifth Edition version of the classic D&D adventure Ravenloft. I can't wait to run this campaign!

Magic Dreams

I've been playing Magic Duels online -- it's a great way to learn the game -- and I'm starting to pick up the basics. Last night, I actually had a dream about Magic. In the dream, I was looking at a card (an artifact card, maybe?), which depicted a shield granting +2 to Armor Class. I kept staring at the card, wondering why a Magic card was using a Fifth Edition D&D rule. Weird. Anyway, it's funny that I had a Magic dream after buying my cards at a store called Dreamwell...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Magic Duels

Well, the MTG Duel Deck that I picked up earlier today doesn't really include enough information to play the game. I've looked around online, but the best option to learn the game seems to be a video game called Magic Duels. I'll give that shot!

MTG for Me?

I've played a lot of games over the years, but one type of game that I really haven't gotten into is the collectible card game (CCG). The most famous example of a CCG, of course, is the grand-daddy of them all, Magic: The Gathering. This game has been out for more than two decades, and yet I don't think I've ever even watched a game of Magic, to say nothing of playing one.

Well, perhaps that's about to change. My local comic book store is now starting to sell some game products, and I'd like to help them out. So far, they're only selling Warhammer 40k and Magic, and since I've already dipped my toe into the world of Warhammer, I figured I'd give Magic a shot. I bought a box that includes two decks of cards -- I'll rope Matthew into trying it out with me -- but not much in the way of instructions, so it may be slow going for a while, but it should be an interesting experience nonetheless.

Monday, February 29, 2016

ThingMaker on EN World

I'm not the only one who thinks that the upcoming ThingMaker 3D printer is going to be a boon for gamers everywhere. Click here!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Our Five Minutes in Nerdvana

Well, Nerdvana didn't quite live up to its name. The selection was mediocre, with a lot used books and games that looked like they had been sitting in someone's garage since the 1980s. Plus, the location -- right next to a sex toy store -- made it kind of difficult to keep two little boys from seeing stuff that would raise a whole lot of questions...


Sorry, Gale Force Nine. As much as I would like to buy the Tarokka Deck for the upcoming Ravenloft D&D adventure module, there's no way I'm paying nine bucks in shipping for a pack of 54 playing cards. What the funk, yo? Are they importing those cards directly from Barovia?

Friday, February 26, 2016


So I learned from my friendly local comic book store guys that there's a gaming store in Carson City. Who knew? Nerdvana is kind of a hike from where I live, but I think the boys and I will need to check it out this weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Movie Update

Click here for a minor (but interesting) update on the upcoming D&D movie!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Roadhouse Reached

We got back to our family Tyranny of Dragons campaign today for the first time in several months. At last the heroes have reached Carnath Roadhouse ("Roadhouse!"), and now they're hot on the trail of the lizardmen who will lead them to the headquarters of the Cult of the Dragon. It's awesome to get back into this campaign, and I hope after this one we can give the new Ravenloft module (Curse of Strahd) a try.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Ravenloft Preview Adventure

Free D&D! Click here to download the official Ravenloft preview adventure.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cycle Time

Last spring, we put the Druid Cycle campaign on hold while I converted that massive world to Fifth Edition. In the meantime, the Druid Cycle guys have been playing in a mini-campaign in the revamped Shattered Realm setting. Today that mini-campaign came to an end, so very soon we'll return to Druid Cycle action. This ten-month hiatus between Druid Cycle adventures represents the longest gap in play since that world debuted way back in 1993.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Okay...okay, dude...take it easy...

I'm having a hard time not freaking out about the upcoming ThingMaker 3D printer from Mattel. Wow...I foresee creating a lot of minis for D&D, board games, etc.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Zombie Fever

We've been sick all week, and no one more so than poor little Nathaniel. When he woke up this morning, still feverish and coughing, all he wanted was to play Zombicide. I was disappointed to have to make him wait -- Zombicide isn't exactly a "before work" type of activity -- but as soon as I got home, we grabbed Matthew and played through a scenario. He's not fully recovered yet, but board gaming is definitely a step in the right direction!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

DCCSC Fencing

Hooray for Peyton! Anway...our fencing club now has a Facebook page! Douglas County Community & Senior Center (yikes, that's a mouthful!) Fencing, or DCCSC Fencing, can be found here.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Back on the Strip!

We had fencing last night for the first time in over three months because the leader of the program had been recovering from an injury. During that hiatus, I submitted the necessary paperwork to become an instructor at the local community center that hosts our fencing group. I think (I hope!) that process is nearing completion, so now our fledgling club will have two instructors for classical foil fencing, and I'll be able to step in whenever the leader of the program is unable to teach. I haven't taught fencing classes since Colgate, so I'm looking forward to it!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Snowy Sunday

It's a lazy, snowy Sunday here in western Nevada, so while we're waiting for the Pro Bowl (yes, some people still do watch the Pro Bowl!), we're playing King of New York and Star Wars: X-Wing. Just wish I had more takers for Zombicide and Ghostbusters.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Check out these awesome custom game tables that transform into regular tables! Or, are they regular tables that transform into game tables?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's New?

Not much gaming news to report these days. The guys in the online group (Kevin, Scott, and Tim W) are coming to the end of their Shattered Realm mini-campaign and will be returning to Druid Cycle action thereafter. Otherwise, it's been pretty quiet. I've used the extra time to start reading up on the instruction of fencing, as I hope to get into coaching again at some point.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Dark Tower

Dark Tower was a D&D-like board game from the '80s and it totally needs to make a comeback. Don't take my word for it, though -- ask Orson Welles himself!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Heroes Have Landed!

The Amazing Heroes have landed!

Shown above are the figures in the standard packaging. The plastic is easily removed without damaging the card backs. I also received special "Artist Edition" card backs showing these classic heroes drawn by top-notch contemporary artists like Mike Allred, Sonny Liew, and Tim Seeley.

And here are the figures removed from the packaging. Back row, from left to right: Silver Streak, Captain Action, Champion of Mars, and Blank Slate. Front row, from left to right: Golden Age Daredevil (unrelated to the later Marvel character), Black Terror, Green Turtle, and Stardust. I've only included one Blank Slate figure in the images above, but I actually purchased a lot of those guys to use as villains and -- if I'm feeling brave -- to paint my own custom heroes.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Heroes Are on Their Way!

"We've been waiting for, like, a year!" Matthew tells me. It's actually been a lot longer than that, but the Amazing Heroes action figures from two successful Kickstarter campaigns are now on their way to our house. The boys -- myself included, of course! -- are excited for the action figures, but I'm also eager to introduce them to a related RPG mini-campaign (recycling the title Tales of the Ternion) that I've cooked up using these and other public domain Golden Age superheroes. The idea is to give the boys some more experience with roleplaying and cooperative storytelling outside the usual venue of D&D. I'm not sure how it will go, but it should be an interesting experiment.

Curse of Strahd

Ravenloft is back! The fan-favorite D&D setting comes to Fifth Edition in a new adventure called Curse of Strahd. Click here for details.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

End of an Era

Today I cancelled my D&D Insider subscription, meaning that I'll no longer have access to the Character Builder software for Fourth Edition characters. There's no going back! In the past year I've converted the Druid Cycle campaign world to Fifth Edition -- all but the player characters, that is -- so it feels as though the brief, troubled 4e era is now over.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

5e SRD!

Huge news! There's now a Systems Reference Document (SRD) and Open-Gaming License (OGL) for Fifth Edition D&D! There's also a Dungeon Master's Guild for those who want to self-publish D&D adventures!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Getting It to the Table

Every Monday evening, Matthew (and, starting in two days, Nathaniel as well) has hockey practice at the outdoor roller hockey facility up in Carson City. Yeah, January. It's cold. Fortunately, I can share my shivering with another hockey dad who's also a big board game fan. We chitchat through the practice, discussing our favorite games and whatnot. He's always looking for the opportunity to try out a new game with his family and/or his game group, but often laments that he has a hard time "getting it to the table."

I know how he feels. Our Tyranny of Dragons D&D campaign hasn't seen any movement since around Thanksgiving, or perhaps even earlier. We try to find time every week for some family game action, but with a growing library of games, and strongly different preferences among the four of us, I'm finding that it's hard to get any particular game to the table. I'm glad to live in a house full of game enthusiasts, but, damn, when are we going to get back to D&D?

Monday, January 4, 2016


Veteran D&D players who played Second Edition -- the edition we used during the earliest days of our Druid Cycle campaign setting -- may be familiar with the "kits" that offered customization opportunities for the core character classes. Some kits were completely and utterly broken, while others did little more than add a bit of flavor. The current D&D designers are toying around with the idea of kits for Fifth Edition. Click here to check out a draft of kits for the blade (bard), jester (bard), cavalier (fighter), and scout (fighter).

Friday, January 1, 2016

"He's an ugly little spud!"

Although the map tiles are kind of bland in comparison to the flavorful maps from Zombicide, the Ghostbusters miniatures are top notch. Each of the four Ghostbusters has his own distinct color, and the ghosts are generally translucent. Below, you can see Slimer flanked by some of his ghostly compatriots.

One of the main boss villains, of course, is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, shown below with Peter for a size comparison.

And yes, it is possible for the Marshmallow Man to step on a Ghostbuster...

"Why worry? Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back."

The boys and I tried out the Ghostbusters board game this morning, and it was a lot of fun. Here's a pic of our team as we successfully completed the first mission (by closing all the portals to the spirit world)...

Each hero has a limited number of actions per turn, and you really need to consider the most efficacious way to spend them. Do you work toward shutting the portals (the most common way of winning any given scenario) or do you try to hold down the rapidly increasing ghost population (your team loses if all available ghosts arrive on the map)? If a fellow hero gets slimed, do you spend your own precious actions to clean him up?

In our game, we ended up with three heroes (Winston, Peter, and Ray) on portal duty, while the last (Egon) was bustin' ghosts and attempting to deposit them back in Ecto-1. We had parked the car so far away, however, that Egon spent half the game trying to reach it. In the future, I think we need to do a better job of actually driving the car closer to the action. In any case, we're now ready to move on to the next scenario in this campaign.

Wow, It's 2016!

I woke up to a new year this morning, because somehow last night I had forgotten that it was New Year's Eve! I hope you all have a wonderful 2016!