Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, January 22, 2018

History (Sort of) Repeats Itself

Although we were unable to connect with Matt and his daughter for our transcontinental Shattered Realm campaign over the weekend, the boys were keen on getting back to their high-level Shattered Realm characters. After managing only one or two game sessions over the four months we've lived in our new house, I was eager to accommodate their interest. We ended up spending most of the day getting into the early stages of a massive dungeon crawl that focuses on stealth and creativity rather than combat. It involves the heroes infiltrating the main stronghold of the dark elves and stealing a magical item from them.

The adventure has some narrative parallels with "The Raid of Naxxia", which surely ranks among the top two or three adventures in the history of the Druid Cycle campaign world. In that storyline from way back in 1995, longtime Porch players Scott and Jason each selected two of their PCs -- as Matthew and Nathaniel have done for this Shattered Realm adventure -- to engage in a clandestine assault on the dark elf city of Naxxia. It's hard to believe that we played through "Raid" over 22 years ago -- I hope this new adventure has as much of an impact on the Shattered Realm world as "Raid" did on the Druid Cycle.

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