Virtual Front Porch Pages

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Victory Is Not Her Destiny

Turns out that Captain Phasma doesn't have any better luck in games than she does in the films. Nathaniel and I were trying out Star Wars: Destiny this afternoon -- he was Rey and Poe, and I was Kylo and Phasma. Rey and Kylo killed each other pretty quickly, leaving us with a one-on-one between the two supporting characters. I was one turn away from finishing off Poe when Nathaniel played a card that allowed him to reroll my damage dice, turning a certain kill shot into a glancing blow. Then Poe was able to call in a strike team was curtains for poor Captain Phasma! At least she went down in a blaze of glory, unlike her rather unceremonious defeats in the two most recent Star Wars films.

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