Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Even More Superheroics

Fully ten years after Earth Commanders started in 1988, the Front Porch players returned to the superhero genre for the second (and, as of this writing, last) time. We were still using the Champions rules system, but this time, Scott was the gamemaster. His campaign was distinctive in a number of ways, primarily in that it was set a few decades in the future (the typical time period of the superhero genre is "now") and it was set entirely in Europe.

Although the game only lasted for a handful of sessions, I'll never forget the trio of heroes. First there was Cyberblade, a tough-as-nails cyborg whose suped-up body contained a vast array of weapons (ironic side-note: despite his name, not a single one of his weapons was a blade!). There was also Havoc, a mind control expert whose abilities were so overwhelming (Champions lent itself to power gaming for those, such as yours truly, who knew the real ins and outs of the character creation system) that Scott had to start issuing anti-mind-control helmets to all the villains. Finally, we had Heatwave, formerly a security guard at a nuclear power plant who obtained his superpowers when he (what else?) became trapped in the reactor. Heatwave could fly and project energy bolts and all that good stuff, but his basic problem was that he "leaked" radiation. As such, it was easy for the villains to follow the heroes' movements just by tracking Heatwave's radiation emissions. While on the lam from these nefarious forces, this mighty team was reduced to staying in cheap hotels, where Cyberblade and Havoc forced poor Heatwave to sleep in the bathtub, lest they expose themselves to dangerous doses of his natural radiation.

It was quite a quirkly little campaign, and I wish it had lasted longer.

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