Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

More on Backgrounds

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm loving the D&D Next concept of backgrounds. In this edition, the background is much more robust -- and more fully integrated into the game -- than the bland, watered-down backgrounds we saw in 4e. The purpose of the background is to give your character an origin story that situates him or her within the game world. Additionally, it provides your character with training in three skills.
The background also provides a "trait," which is the part I find the most fascinating. With the trait, D&D Next does a great job of synthesizing a narrative feature with game mechanics. So I'm a "commoner." What does that really mean? Aside from the skill lists, how is being a commoner different from being an artisan? That's where the trait comes into play. The trait indicates how you use your background in the game world.
Here are my favorite backgrounds and their associated traits:
  • Commoner: Long-time Porch players probably know that I'm a sucker for any game feature that gives you a home base or a henchman, and this trait gives you both! As a commoner, you get a patch of land and a structure associated with your particular occupation (a farmhouse, an inn, etc.) as well as an NPC to look after your business while you're off on adventures.
  • Knight: Free room and board for you and your companions when you show up at a place where your station is recognized.
  • Noble: You get three retainers! They don't fight for you, but they can accomplish various mundane tasks.
  • Priest: You gain a residence at a temple of your faith, and you can get free healing for your party from other practitioners of your religion.
As you can see, your choice of background really influences how your character interacts with the game world. I'm just touching the tip of the iceberg with this post. As we move forward with the playtest and with the official release of 5e (or whatever it ends up being called), I'll have a lot more to say about backgrounds.


  1. This really seems to fall more in line with the kind of character development that we do in the DC world (and others). I like it!

  2. Yeah, it's a very promising development. Check out all the background options. I'll be interested to hear what you think.
