Virtual Front Porch Pages

Monday, June 4, 2012

Drow Rhymes with Cow

Courtesy of our friends at EN World, here's the official D&D pronunciation guide.

At last we can settle one of the most contentious debates in D&D history...the pronunciation of "drow," the general term for "dark elf." For the record: "drow" rhymes with "cow," not with "throw."

Longtime Porch players (those who remember 2e D&D) may be amused to learn that my stubborn insistence on pronouncing THAC0 (the acronym for "To Hit Armor Class Zero") with a long "a" (THAY-koh) is considered acceptable alongside the more common pronunciation (THACK-oh).

Now if only DC Comics would tell me how to pronounce "Mxyzptlk"...


  1. If you watched Superman: The Animated Series (and can stand to listen to Gilbert Gottfried), Mxy himself explains the pronunciation of his name. :D

    1. Well, I think they got the right actor for the part!
