Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pathfinder's Difficult Path

Issue #4 of Dynamite's Pathfinder comic book comes out today. Naturally, I'm excited; I'll be heading up to my friendly local comic book store over my lunch hour to pick up my copy. I am a bit concerned, however, that this book isn't going to last much longer.

I took a look at the sales figures this morning. Back in August, issue #1 ranked 165th on the Diamond Comic Distributors sales charts, with 14277 copies sold. I'd call that a solid debut for a niche book from a non-Big Two publisher. Issue #2 (October) fell to 9361 copies and 204th on the list. Of course, there's almost always a decline after the first issue of a new series. Issue #3 (November) moved up to 200th but sold only 8681 books. If Pathfinder were a DC or Marvel publication, sales in this range would almost guarantee its cancellation. I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a good handle on what constitutes a good number for a smaller publisher like Dynamite, but I'll be very interested to see how #4 fares.

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