Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Character Decks

Building a character in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game entails building a small (15 card) deck that represents the character's spells, armor, weapons, allies, and so forth. I've found that building characters decks can be a fun exercise in learning the game and its tactical intricacies. After beating the first scenario with Valeros, I built a deck for the cleric Kyra and I'm running her through the same scenario. So far, she plays a lot like Valeros -- she's been bashing monsters with her mace, so I haven't yet had occasion to use her spells or healing power. I've also built decks for the dwarf ranger Harsk and the elf rogue Merisiel, as these will be the characters that Amy and I use when we try out the game from a multiplayer perspective. I'll let you know how these characters play when we get a chance to give them a test drive.

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