Virtual Front Porch Pages

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pathfinder Unboxing

It's here! Ready to see the awesomeness of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game? Here's Matthew with the box. It's a big box.

The next photo shows the inside, but before I removed the cards from their wrapping. See all the extra space? The box is designed to hold many future expansions.

This game is unlike traditional collectible card games because the players select hero characters and work cooperatively toward a common goal. In that respect, it's a lot more like a fantasy roleplaying game...but without a gamemaster! (The story unfolds as the players draw cards from various decks, but the extent to which this game can tell a compelling story without a human gamemaster remains to be seen.) The base set includes one full-length adventure ("Burnt Offerings"), the first chapter in a campaign called Rise of the Runelords. Subsequent adventures will be released every two months.

There are no rules for creating a unique character, but the base set includes seven pre-made characters who should be familiar to you if you have the Pathfinder Beginner Box or if you're reading the excellent Pathfinder comic book. Shown below is my favorite Pathfinder hero, Seoni.

As you play through the scenarios in each adventure, your heroes will acquire loot! Here's one of the all-time classic treasures, a healing potion.

Scenarios take place at a variety of typical adventuring locations. I like the Treacherous Cave because it reminds me of an episode of the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon from the '80s. (It was the episode in which Warduke captured Dungeonmaster, but I digress...)

Throughout the scenarios, you're fighting monsters (like the bugbear below), overcoming traps, searching for treasure, etc. They really cover all the bases in simulating a tabletop roleplaying game experience.

At first glance, this game looks like a blast...and it also looks ridiculously complicated. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say about it as I start to learn the rules and play through some scenarios. Stay tuned!

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